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12 AWG Solid Bare Copper Wire

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SKU: AC73134804 Category:


Product Details

Technical Specifications:
Name: BCW 12 Gauge
Size AWG: 12
Stranding Class:
Diameter Single Phase Conductor (Mils):
Diameter Complete Cable (O.D.) (Mils): 80.8
Weight Per 1000ft Total (Lbs.): 19.8
Allowable Ampacity 90C (Amps):
Circular Mil Area (cmils): 6530
Hard-Drawn Rated Strength (lbs.): 336.9
Medium-Drawn Rated Strength (lbs.):
Omni Cable Part # Q11201

Solid and stranded (classes AA and A) bare copper are suitable for overhead transmission and distribution applications. Stranded conductor of greater flexibility (classes B and C) are suitable for uninsulated hook up, jumpers, and grounds in electrical construction. Soft Drawn copper is unilay construction.

Bare copper wire and cable meets or exceeds the following ASTM specifications:

  • B-1 Hard-Drawn Copper Wire.
  • B-2 Medium-Hard Copper Wire.
  • B-3 Soft or Annealed Copper Wire.
  • B-787 19 Wire Combination Unilay-Stranded Soft copper wire.
  • B-8 Concentric-Lay-Stranded Hard, Medium-Hard or Soft Copper Conductor.

Bare copper, solid or stranded. Available in tempers hard, medium-hard, or soft. Stranded conductors are concentrically stranded in hard and medium-hard tempers and are Combination Unilay stranded in the soft-drawn temper.

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