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250′ 4-4-4-4 Tulsa Quadruplex Aluminum Conductor Underground Direct Burial 600V URD

Original price was: $500.00.Current price is: $99.00.

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4-4-4-4 Tulsa Quadruplex Aluminum Conductor Underground Direct Burial 600V URD

Allowable Ampacity for 4-4-4-4 Tulsa Quadruplex Aluminum Conductor 600V URD direct burial: 120 Amps

Allowable Ampacity for 4-4-4-4 Tulsa Quadruplex Aluminum Conductor 600V URD in duct: 85 Amps


The aluminum 600V URD is designed to serve in the secondary distribution circuits for power. In these secondary circuits, the electrical cable is installed in duct or direct burial applications. Due to its versatility, conductor strength, and insulation integrity, it works well for these outdoor applications. It is also used in wet and dry places since the cable has a maximum operating temperature of 90C. The electrical cable is also designed to provide an option of pre-pulling into ducts.

Also Known As:

4-4-4-4 tulsa aluminum urd cable, 4-4-4-4tulsaurd direct burial cable,4-4-4-4tulsaquadruplex cable,4-4-4-4tulsaquadruplex wire,4-4-4-4tulsafour conductor wire,4-4-4-4tulsafour conductor cable,4-4-4-4tulsadirect burial electrical cable, 4-4-4-4tulsadirect burial power cable, 4-4-4-4tulsaaluminum direct burial cable.


  • ASTM B-230

  • ASTM B-231

  • ASTM B-609

  • ASTM B-901

  • ICEA S-105-692

  • Federal Specification J-C 30B




Aluminum conductor used for this cable is either a concentric strand or compressed 1350-H19 series aluminum conductor. The conductors are cabled together, with surface printing for identification. The neutral conductor has a yellow stripe.


Versatile insulation system made of cross linked black polyethylene material helps to secure the cable conductors. This insulation is water tight, repulsive to corrosive substances, resistant to oil, heat and flame. Cross linking a polyethylene helps to achieve an excellent strength that makes the material suitable for covering this cable used in harsh conditions like direct burial installation.


    • Size AWG: 4

    • Stranding: 7

    • Insulation Thickness (mils): 60

    • Neutral Size AWG: 4

    • Single Phase Conductor Inches: 0.345

    • O.D. Inches: 0.833

    • Weight lbs./1000ft: 258 lbs

    • Ampacity: Direct burial: 120 Amps

    • Ampacity: In duct: 85 Amps



Aluminum 600V URD cable is designed for use in secondary distribution circuits, where installed in duct or direct burialapplications. Maximum operating temperature is not to exceed 90C in wet and dry locations. Voltage rating is 600volts. As an option, this cable can provided pre-pulled into duct.


Aluminum 600V URD cable has a concentric strand or compressed 1350-H19 series aluminum conductor. Conductors are cabled together, with surface printing for identification. The neutral conductor has a yellow stripe.


Aluminum 600V URD cable has a black cross linked polyethylene (XLP) insulation.


  • ASTM B-230
  • ASTM B-231
  • ASTM B-609
  • ASTM B-901
  • ICEA S-105-692
  • Federal Specification J-C 30B

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