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Service Wire 3/0 AWG 4 Insulated Preassembled Aerial XHHW-2 600 Volt Copper Cable AER3/8C3/04

Original price was: $10.00.Current price is: $8.00.

SKU: AC73143984 Category:


Service Wire 3/0 AWG 4 Insulated Preassembled Aerial XHHW-2 600 Volt Copper Cable AER3/8C3/04

Conductor: 3 or 4 stranded, bare annealed copper conductors, insulated with heat and moisture resistant crosslinked polyethylene (type XHHW- 2). Conductors are cabled with a left hand lay and a messenger of 30% EHS copperweld laid parallel and bound with a flat bare copper binding strap.

UL 44 (single conductors)
ICEA S-95-658/NEMA WC-70
Sunlight Resistant
RoHS Compliant

technical specification:
size awg or kcmil 3/0
strand (no.) 19
insulation thickness (mils) 55
messenger size **(inch) 3/8
messenger size **strand (no.) 7
approx. diameter overall (inch) 1.74
approx. net weight (lb/1000′) 2,788
ampacity* (40c ambient) 287
Service Wire part number AER3/8C3/04

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